What Is The One Food You Will Cheat And Eat On Occasion, Even Though You Know It'll Mess You Up?
For me it's Humboldt Fog cheese. Worth coughing and hacking for a couple days to have some of that, every so often.
Camembert cheese will screw with my asthma big time and I know this, but if it's on a cheese platter that's put in front of me, I can't resist
Pizza sauce, but I have them put it on extremely light on my gluten-free, dairy-free pizza. But when I make my pizza sauce with out tomatoes its still delicious! Sometime you just want to be lazy!! LOL
I have the same issues with fresh cherries. I was advised to wash them with vinegar and water, followed by a spin dryer ... So far it's worked! I do get nervous wherever I try it. Since I don't get ana from cherries, "just lose my voice & scratchy throat" it's worth the try for me. @A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member & @A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member pear and apple are not stone fruit. The term applies to fruits with pits rather than seeds.
I don't know if pears are considered a stone fruit. But I have the same problem with apples too. Cherries are really bad. Sometimes, depending on the variety and who knows what else, I can eat them no problem. Other times, my throat really itches. No way to know in advance. Usually I eat them until I have a reaction. Oh, and this is only if they are raw. Cooked are fine!
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