Any Tips On Navigating The Adult Social World With Food Allergies? Such As Dinner Invites? | MyFoodAllergyTeam

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Any Tips On Navigating The Adult Social World With Food Allergies? Such As Dinner Invites?

A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Bremerton, WA

I'm thinking forward 15+ years to when my daughter and her husband get invited to a friend's house for dinner. How would she accept if she doesn't know them well enough to trust their cooking to be safe? Does she just always offer to host? Bring her own food? Eat before coming over?

May 6, 2016
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A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

The first and most important thing is for your daughter to be upfront and clear about her food allergies. I have to be careful because there are certain things that I cannot be in the same room with and need to make sure that is not on the menu.

Normally what I worry about the most is cross contact in other people's kitchens, because they can try and make it as safe as possible, but you don't know if they have double dipped in the past.

The way I do it is to offer to bring something (like the appetiser and just have more of that) and explain how cooking for me is a challenge and it is in both our best interest that we make sure something is 100% safe (ie. cooked by me). Also, be clear about why she may feel uncomfortable eating at their house, big one is cross contact and ensuring every single ingredient is safe, which we know is a lot of work.

I wrote about this here: The post is about eating at other people's house plus a soup recipe :D


Check out my story & more here:

May 13, 2016
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Make sure they know about your food allergies and always bring at least one dish with you so you know you can eat it safely. Also, we have shown up late and already feed. If they are good friends they will know about your allergies and wont be offended. Plus I keep an apple in my purse just incase.

August 23, 2016
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

You NEVER trust anyone when it comes to a food allergy! I would call her and let them know that I have several food allergies, and if there is an airborne allergy I would just kindly ask that they just don't serve ____ that at all if they wouldn't mind (I do that for soy). Then I let them know not to be offended if I don't eat their food. I usually bring my own or eat before I go. Good luck!!

June 14, 2016
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

I've been family has been great about making sure food is safe for me. If I go somewhere I'm not sure of the food I always make sure I have something safe I can eat. Potlucks are a little trickier...mostly I bring foods I can eat & I make sure I go through the line to avoid cross contact. I'm also considering just bringing my own plate of food I can heat up so I can enjoy the fellowship without having to worry about food. Best wishes!

May 6, 2016
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

I always carry my food allergy list. Have is easily available to email etc. Give the list to the cook at restaurants. Carry epic pens and allergy medicine. If in doubt don't eat.

May 13, 2016

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