How To Handle School Lunches
My daughter went on a field trip and wanted a school bagged lunch. Our previous school district was great with separating lunches for allergies. Yesterday my daughter had PB&J in her lunch. She rolled with it very well. Tried to tell the teachers, but she said nothing happened. Her lunch was raisins, chips, and an apple. She said it was ok because she was full after that. So happy she spoke up and made good choices, but worried it could have been worse. Will be talking with the school tomorrow… read more
Kudos to you for teaching your child to self advocate & understand her allergies.
Good job, mom. My son once got pneumonia cuz the Y kept giving him HiC to drink although I told them not to. It’s loaded with corn and he was not old enough to tell them at 2 yo.
I Have Allergies To So Many Things. If I Didn’t Eat Them. I Would Never Eat. How Do You Handle This
Parents Of Young Children With Extreme Allergies, Have Any Of You Felt Comfortable Sending Your Child To Preschool?
Do You Fear A Hospital Or Nursing Home Stay?