Can Food Allergies Cause Fecal Impactation Or Severe Constipation?
My 6 year old has tested low positive for peanut, milk and wheat which he always had since birth and only milk used to be very high. He has been eating all of the above safely without any reactions since he was 4. Now we having repeated severely excruciating abdominal pains accompanied by fecal impactation. In the past 3 months he got admitted 3times for this and no Dr has found the cause as yet. He is due to see a gastro specialist this week. I tried cutting out wheat and dairy in his diet a… read more
Hi yes that is part of his reaction to his allergies. Try giving him a probiotic and yes plenty of water. The BEST probiotic I've found to be the best is yogurt. As long as my SON gets his daily dosage he's fine. Hopefully this works for you.
Hi hope he's okay.
Thank you ladies for responding i got my hands full with this lil ones. He went for the G&C scopes last Thursday they discovered some swollen lymph nodes in his intestines which is really worrying me. Anyway they did a biopsy and more tests we going to see the paediatric gastroenterologist tomorrow for results.
Food allergies are strange, he may not seem to be reacting to them, but likely he is having symptoms that are unnoticed. Anaphylactic shock is scary because it is immediate, but long term exposure to allergens can cause intestinal issues, gallbladder, pancreas, and other organ damage. Before my wheat allergy was diagnosed, I had frequent heartburn and had to take medication for GERD, when I stopped eating wheat, I suddenly (2-3 days later) no longer had those problems. Wheat causes swelling from my throat all the way through me. Hopefully he is young enough to outgrow his allergies, but teach him now how important it is to avoid those foods, because they do change and they could get worse. Good luck!
thanks so much guys...Rochelle am srill worried with the yoghurt as its daily. biopsies and bloods done showed nothing either than increased igE of 947 and mast cells which are normally released with histamine during allergic reactions. so more test for us.
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I Have Celiac Disease. I’m Not Sure It Is Classified As An “allergy” Or Not.
Hello, Could You Tell Me Which Is More Accurate...the Skin Prick Test Or A Blood RAST Test Please? Thank You