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Anyone Have A Mint Allergy

A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Huddersfield, UK

I have idiopathic angeadema so don’t know really what causes my issues. I can swell in my airways mild lips and mouth but not obvious. I carry Epipen as I’ve had a few severe ones. I’m dairy and gluten intolerant and these can sometimes cause an issue others ok. Bananas can cause issues but mild
Recently I’ve had trouble with mint and it’s made me feel sick and ill with stomach pain. I had a lemsip last week with menthol and was sick with sneezing and coughing and mild swell. Feel like… read more

December 21, 2017
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A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

I’ve recently come to believe that I have a mild reaction to mint or its component, menthol. I have had lower left lip swelling since last year. Will be tested soon, only available as blood test, no skin prick test.

July 7
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

I have developed a mint allergy over the last few years. I noticed it first after I ate an Olive Garden mint. My inner ears and throat itch. Most recently I ate a cough drop and had the same reaction. It's so strange to be bc I've never had an issue with them before

March 12, 2020
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Check if she is sensitive to Salicylic acid- Many foods including mints are high in Salicylates

May 2, 2018
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

My sister is VERY allergic to all mints and has to not only avoid them in foods and personal products, such as a lot of the dental products, but find it appears in a lot of cleaning products. Check product ingredients carefully and you may have to make our own cleaning products. The problem with having allergies is that when we are reacting to things in the air our food allergies can worsen. Wishing you luck.

January 6, 2018
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

my son has this condition, this is apart from his food allergy list and oas list. he is now on daily medication and it has improved his life. he started during his teens, and its caused by many differing types and levels of histamine in your blood, add in stressor, like tree pollen, dog allergy etc or stress or virus and his bodyb tips over the edge in to anaphylaxis. for many it starts during teens as teen growth hormones play a role, often peaking during exam times and often burns out during 20s. our son hasnt grown out of it totally but his medication did help. i hope you grow out of this asap!

December 28, 2017

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Hello, Could You Tell Me Which Is More Accurate...the Skin Prick Test Or A Blood RAST Test Please? Thank You

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Ireland, IN

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A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Grants Pass, OR
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