Local Honey Does Not Cure Hay Fever.
just thought I would start a myth busting post.
honey does not cure hay fever. so buy local honey because you like the taste but don't give it any magical cures okay?
Bees collect pollen from flowers which have larger heavier grain pollens than the ones that cause hay fever.
hay fever is caused by much smaller finer grains of pollen.
a bee may pick up some by accident, but not enough to induce any form of tolerance therapy.
it also does not increase in small amounts the pollen exposure for… read more
Corn used to just give me abdominal pain and diarrhea. The additional symptoms and greater sensitivity have grown greatly over the years.
I can't tolerate honey (I love the taste) due to my Corn food allergy. The local honeys are made by bees who visit mostly Corn fields.
I eat honey with breakfast. Oats, granola, bran buds, blueberries, raspberries, plain Greek yoghurt, hemp hearts with a bit of honey on top.
wow i feel sorry for you Miriam.Hope it won’t happen to me.
WoW you are very allergic to it.
I have corn sensitivity, it gives me abdominal pain.
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