Question Regarding Atopic Dermatitis And Sensitivity To Tomatoes Along With Multiple Allergies And Sensory Avoidance | MyFoodAllergyTeam

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Question Regarding Atopic Dermatitis And Sensitivity To Tomatoes Along With Multiple Allergies And Sensory Avoidance

A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Dublin, IE

My son has atopic dermatitis that responds to nearly every allergenic substance out there. He has aversions to textures as he had to wear will sleeves with gloves for his first year of life. He will not try new foods, and is still at 3 eating mashed up dinners consisting of mostly root veg meat and gravy. He eats fruit pouches but will never put fruit in his mouth apart from the odd Apple slice which is not eaten only put to mouth.

I am worried about nutritional intake and feeling pressure from… read more

February 19, 2019
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A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

I have Sensory Processing Disorder and have a lot sensory problems in addition to my Food Allergies. I also have a third condition.

I can only bear to wear certain materials. It has been like that since I was a baby. Many materials cause me hives and burning sensations. I learned to identify the materials in a cloth by sight, since just touching the wrong cloth with my fingers caused instant pain and hives. Clothes shopping is a nightmare.

As far as food pickiness goes. I would trust his aversion to trying new things. Introduce new foods a lot slower than you would other children. Make sure that the food is separate from the other foods he would normally eat when you test it. That way he doesn't develop an aversion to the few safe foods he has.

I have food allergies, my other disability, and mouth texture sensitivities causing issues with food. It makes it difficult to figure out which is causing the problem, since the strategy for dealing with each is different.

I hate rough crispy textures. They feel like they are shredding my mouth apart. Ruffles Potato chips are particularly bad. I can force myself to eat cauliflower and broccoli if they are cut up fine and hidden in a stew or have something over them like Tempura that smooths out the branches.

If I am allergic to the food, I have to do the 100% avoidance to keep it from causing me problems. My other condition limits how much of specific foods I can eat before I risk an ER trip.

I have a problem with most fruits. Even the fruits I am not allergic to often cause me allergy problems due to Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS) and the fruit being washed in a citrus wash made with Corn (my most annoying food allergy). I can have oranges if they have been peeled (by someone else). I love apples, but it is always a 50/50 shot if I am going to have a problem with them.

March 10, 2019
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Light at the end of the tunnel, knowing that second teeth will come in better condition is very reassuring thank you.

February 25, 2019
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Her 2nd teeth coming through better but it is ongoing battle to protect them. Baby teeth had vert weak enamel and lots of erosion.We are lucky as in uk kids get free dentist treatment . She has few issues now.

February 25, 2019
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Positive prayers for him and you

February 21, 2019 (edited)
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Thank you so much. We like session, Just worried about further decay now so trying to avoid sugars πŸ€” how did your daughter get on with her teeth?

February 24, 2019

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