Where Do I Start?
I have recently been diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis and my inflammation levels are not coming down. I am waiting to see a Rheumatologist but my one doctor thinks I might have Fibromyalgia as well. A lot of people have told me that I need to try and figure out if something I am eating is causing the inflammation. How do I do the elimination diet? Where do I start?
I have RA and Ulcerative Colitis and a large number of food allergies. I found eliminating night shade vegetables (tomato, peppers, egg plant etc) to help with the inflammation. My Natural path doctor also prescribed D-Hist which helped reduce the inflammation but it takes a while. Good luck! https://www.orthomolecularproducts.ca/Natural-D...
I agree with a food diary, also noting how you feel after eating whatever it was you ate. Just note that you may have delayed reactions, such as a few hours until the next day. For example, I am allergic to milk (IGG not IGE reaction). If I were to eat anything with milk in it, the next day my eyelids are puffy. Sometimes, I have a very tired feeling the next day.
Start simple. Use a food diary. No matter what test show, let your body be your guide.
I Cannot Ingest Any Dairy At All Or I Get Extremely Painful Rashes.
Where Do You Find Allergy Friendly Recipes?
Has Anyone Ever Gone To A Clinic Where They Refuse To Do An Allergy Test On You? Tell Me I'm Not The Only One. I'm At A Loss Here.