Why Are Almost All Of The Comments Over Two Years Old? I Think The Format Is Difficult To Navigate. Thoughts?
Gosh! You sound like where I’m headed. I’ve been afraid to try the nutritional supplements because the over the counter versions don’t list allergens. I don’t trust them. They should absolutely have allergen free versions. I’m going to address with my new nutritionist next week. Christ. This is not fun at all. Thank you for sharing and I know exactly how you feel.
Hi, Joan! No, it’s not very useful. I’d thought the whole point was to help match up people with similar allergies. It’s just not intuitive at all and I’m not a computer dummy. Well, I only managed to get a response because I posted and you’re it! Lucky you. Maybe if I add you to my team, we can gather more with similar allergies. At some point I was hoping to start a small zoom group, mainly because people are all over the country, a lot of us don’t even eat in restaurants and now, Covid has made it even more fun. It’s nice to have support.
I’m living with the nut allergies, Adult Onset, but I’m now anemic because I am allergic to almost all vegetables and fruit. I see you have the nut challenge. It’s hard to eat healthy. That’s my main issue these days. That and the cost of epi pens. Ridiculous!
Feel free to reply, but no pressure. I rarely come on here because the platform does not make it easy to find others with similar allergies.
Enjoy your day and thanks for writing,
Yes, I, too, find the format difficult to navigate. And I also see comments that are not very recent. I'm always hoping someone will improve this board and make it better. It's not very useful as it is.
Am new to this forum and having trouble finding others with similar allergy. Also hard to navigate.
I have numerous confirmed food allergies (nuts, peanuts, coconut, and nearly all fruits and vegetables, among others). I have been on nutritional formula for over 25 years now as my main source of nutrition. The difficulty is finding a nutritional formula that doesn't have ingredients I'm allergic to. The one I'm using now I've used for about a decade now.
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