Hi Everyone, Can Anyone Suggest Any Recipes For Veggies With Coeliac Disease And Beans And Pulses Allergy?
Hi people, I have just about had enough of bland boring food just the same every night, some veg is allowed, little fruit and gluten free a must. I can't find a decent veggie sausage anywhere. Climbing the walls without them! Help?
Hi jo-ann, it's people's perogative to eat what they like. Since 15 I have had no meat or fish. I choose to and whilst to some it may be an odd choice it's how I live, but that is not the problem. I am coeliac, I have allergies to beans and pulses including soya, maybe pea protein and I don't know what else - the list is so long. Like other people I think I just am craving some TASTE in my diet and not such predictable dinners, variety is the spice of life but spice is giving variety to my life. I am so sick of dietitians who do nothing, bored of saying the same thing and sick of speaking to them down the phone. I had enough a couple of months ago and insisted that I saw someone face to face so I can physically sort out exactly what I can try, have, can't have or will make me ill if I do have. As for rice - it's a no-no! (It just swells me up and I sob in pain). So difficult, I am sure with a face to face rather than phone appointment we can sort this once and for all but I'll keep you posted.
Thanks I will try a nutritionist, coeliac disease I know about it's an auto immune condition. That doesn't bother me but having oral allergy syndrome does!
Talk to a Nutritionalist. Your doctor can find you one. You mean Celiac. It's an allergy. All be it a nasty one. But you can work around it. There are gluten free bread and cereal out there. Corn and rice is o.k. for Celiacs.
You need to look at that allergy list. If you haven't had a complete panel in years, it is advisable to get another one done. My allergist won't. I freaked her out with my partial (forearms) panel reactions.
Why do you need to eat veggie foods? Why not eat meat, poultry, seafood, rice and sweet potatoes and there is gluten free stuff.
For veggies you can have beets, kale, romaine lettuce, tomatoes
Life is not over
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Does Anyone Know What I Mean?
I Have Celiac Disease. I’m Not Sure It Is Classified As An “allergy” Or Not.