TIP Program
Hi I just joined this community to find out more about the food allergy for my 18yrs old son. Is there any one has tried the TIP program?
We just enrolled this program and the initial test would in the end of Dec. Really appreciate if any one can give me some info on that. Thank you
Hello. What does “TIP” stand for? My name is Mary (Mimi) and I have a 21 year old daughter and an 19 year old daughter. Both diagnosed with peanut/ tree nut/ shellfish allergies. We participated (older daughter still being treated) in the “LaCrosse Protocol” using immunotherapy sublingual drops —basically personalized medicine compounded for each depending on the treatment plan.
Our younger daughter has passed all treenuts and shellfish/scallops — and eats everything as part of her diet now. She’s a freshman in college and no longer carries an Auvi-Q. Our older daughter had more severe allergies and stopped taking her drops during Covid — but will be ready to incorporate Almonds, pecans and walnuts this summer 2024.
I hope TIP is working for your son’s food allergies.
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