Is There A Decent Test For Dairy Intolerances?
Is there a reliable test for dairy intolerances or reactions to the protein in dairy similar to the ones available for testing for celiac/reactions to gluten? I've done IgE testing for allergies. It wasn't very conclusive. Was wondering if there were other scientifically proven tests available.
I totally agree. I had a friend who had all of these horrible cramps and pains and for years even as a child she didn't know what it was. I had the same problems. However I was tested and found out that I was Celiac and diabetic. She had found out that her daughter was celiac because her daughter was tested. She never got tested she just completely went gluten-free so she is wondering the same thing that now that she is totally gluten free if there's anything out there where she can get an actual medical diagnosis of being celiac. Because according to the doctor that I went to you have to have gluten in your body in order for it to show up on any kind of test. So I am wondering the same thing.
My doctor (that found my allergies after 15 years of no help from others) said medical tests are often incorrect. The best test for allergies/ intolerance is done yourself. Focus on one food. Take yourself off of it for two weeks. Totally. Watch every food label. Then reintroduce it to your diet, and see how your body reacts. If it can't be tolerated, or if there is a reaction, you will know that is one food to eliminate from your diet.
I've always wondered the same about myself... do I have celiac disease? Since I found all my allergies and intolerance by elimination diets, I've never been "officially diagnosed" by a medical doctor. I don't need to be. A chiropractor that practices kinesiology helped me find my allergies. I've been off of gluten since 2008, so I'm not a candidate for testing for celiac disease. But I don't really need to know. My colon is in great shape as long as I don't ingest the food that will hurt me.
My sons tested as infants allergic to milk protein, caseine. Screaming from pain, gas, bloody stools put them on soy milk. Symptoms instantly gone. Back on milk instant relapse. Tested when older and caseine was positive. Whole milk better than 2% 1% and no fat. As fat is reduced protein is concentrated and higher. Now I'm learning that vit D is made from corn. Whole milk not fortified is ok. Latest and greatest marketing tool is DĀ³ in everything needed or not.
Food Intolerance Vs. Allergy
Tests All Come Back Normal
I Had A Food Panel Of Blood Work Done About A Month Ago. All Of My Results Came Back Negative. I Can't Eat Peanut Or Strawberry Products.