When you or your kids have food allergies, preparing allergy-friendly meals and snacks can easily become stressful, especially when you’re just starting your day. With wheat, eggs, milk, tree nuts, and peanuts among the top nine food allergens, popular breakfasts like cereal, eggs, and toast with nut butter may be off-limits for many people with food allergies.
The good news is that allergy-friendly breakfasts can be simple and even fun. The three easy allergy-friendly breakfast recipes below can help ensure a healthy, tasty, stress-free start to the day.
Most French toast recipes rely on eggs and milk, which are off-limits for many people with food allergies. The batter for Family French Toast from Kids With Food Allergies is made with pureed sweet potato or butternut squash for a healthy, tasty, allergy-friendly twist. Both sweet potatoes and winter squash, like butternut squash, are rich in nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and B6, as well as fiber and potassium. You might find pureed sweet potato or squash in your grocer’s freezer section, or you can make and freeze portions so you have it when you need it. With just five main ingredients, this French toast can make any morning feel special for you and your family.
Make Overnight Chia Oats from Alexandra’s Kitchen for busy days when you need breakfast on the go — in the morning, just grab the jar and a spoon. Chia seeds add a boost of calcium, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, and dairy-free milk enhances the flavor and creaminess. This recipe is also great for making multiple personalized breakfasts — top each according to each person’s preferences.
Looking for a small but hearty gluten-free breakfast? Millet Banana Muffins from Kids With Food Allergies are made with millet flour, rice flour, and ripe bananas. You’ll need to allow for baking time, but you’ll end up with enough muffins for a few mornings. Pair these muffins with fresh fruit or an allergy-friendly smoothie, or enjoy them on their own for a lighter breakfast. If you don’t have flaxseed or xanthan gum, you can still make the muffins — they’ll just be a bit more crumbly.
Being concerned about food allergens day in and day out can be exhausting, especially first thing in the morning. With none of the top nine allergens but plenty of nutrients, these three allergy-free breakfast options can help provide a stress-free and healthy start to your day. Many major grocery stores have sections dedicated to allergy-friendly foods, and some online retailers specialize in these foods, which can help ease your meal planning.
MyFoodAllergyTeam is the social network for people with food allergies and their loved ones. On MyFoodAllergyTeam, more than 41,000 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand life with food allergies.
Do you have a favorite allergy-friendly breakfast? What are your go-to easy breakfast foods? Share your experience in the comments below, or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page.
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A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member
thank you ! I can actually eat 2/3 of these!! I appreciate recipes so much!!
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