Members of MyFoodAllergyTeam responded to an online survey to share how having a peanut allergy has impacted their child’s quality of life. They described how peanut allergies have a far-reaching impact on both their children and on themselves as caregivers. Especially concerning are life events that could lead to exposure, such as eating out or attending social events or even school. Avoiding exposure also involves staying vigilant - reading labels, asking questions, preparing meals to take to events and carrying epinephrine injectors. Additionally, caregivers also described the anxiety and worry about their child’s safety and whether the child is well cared for in their absence.
Source: What Matters to People with Peanut Allergies? April, 2017 survey of MyFoodAllergyTeam members who have children with a peanut allergy conducted in partnership with Aimmune. Question: For each of the following statements, please indicate how much you agree or disagree that peanut allergies (impact attending social events, education/school, quality of life overall or makes me concerned that my child is not well taken care of when I’m not around). (Sample Size = 129 caregivers).
How does your child’s food allergy impact his or her quality of life? Share with other members in a comment below.
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Hi Tredwak..I would like to know mire about benadryl.
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