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Yes. No. I mean – maybe? Well, okay. Have you ever wanted to be able to say "no" without feeling ...

Are You Afraid To Say No?

Yes. No. I mean – maybe? Well, okay. Have you ever wanted to be able to say "no" without feeling ...
Food allergy symptoms can appear unexpectedly if you or your child is exposed to a food allergen ...

When To Use an Epipen vs. Benadryl for Food Allergies

Food allergy symptoms can appear unexpectedly if you or your child is exposed to a food allergen ...
The immune system is designed to defend against pathogens — foreign invaders like bacteria and vi...

What Does a Food Allergy Rash Look Like? Pictures and Treatments

The immune system is designed to defend against pathogens — foreign invaders like bacteria and vi...
Many people with food allergies have an allergic reaction within a few minutes of eating a food a...

How Long Do Symptoms of a Food Allergy Reaction Last?

Many people with food allergies have an allergic reaction within a few minutes of eating a food a...
Members of MyFoodAllergyTeam responded to an online survey to share how having a peanut allergy h...

Impact of Peanut Allergy on Children’s Quality of Life

Members of MyFoodAllergyTeam responded to an online survey to share how having a peanut allergy h...
Oyster sauce is a staple of many Asian cuisines, including Chinese, Thai, and Vietnamese. The thi...

Does Oyster Sauce Contain Oysters? What To Know About Shellfish Allergies

Oyster sauce is a staple of many Asian cuisines, including Chinese, Thai, and Vietnamese. The thi...
Food allergies can be life-threatening and too often misunderstood. Members of MyFoodAllergyTeam ...

Family Not Understanding Food Allergies

Food allergies can be life-threatening and too often misunderstood. Members of MyFoodAllergyTeam ...
Have you ever heard the saying, “A fish is a fish is a fish?” When it comes to food allergies, th...

Can You Be Allergic to Crab but Not Shrimp?

Have you ever heard the saying, “A fish is a fish is a fish?” When it comes to food allergies, th...
If you see a perfect apple at a farm stand, do you eagerly buy it? Or do you pass it by because y...

Oral Allergy Syndrome: Chart, Symptoms, and More

If you see a perfect apple at a farm stand, do you eagerly buy it? Or do you pass it by because y...
Contrary to popular belief, not all food allergies develop during childhood. Despite being relati...

Can You Develop Food Allergies Later in Life?

Contrary to popular belief, not all food allergies develop during childhood. Despite being relati...