"Really struggling as I'm lactose intolerant along with wheat, nut, and citrus allergies. I had a bad reaction the other day so living like this has made me more cautious. Any advice would be appreciated." - A member on MyFoodAllergyTeam
On MyFoodAllergyTeam, the social network and online support group for those living with food allergies, members talk about a range of personal experiences and struggles. Tips to make life easier are one of the top topics most discussed.
Here are some question-and-answer threads with tips:
• Can someone please suggest a website to order medical ID to tell people about my allergies?
Here are some conversations about tips :
• "I find recipes on YouTube so that I can adapt them for myself."
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A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member
I found out I had food allergies in early 1990's. It was awful trying to find foods that were safe. Today, there are so many choices.
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