Anyone Else Have A Citrus Fruit Allergy? Looking For Someone Who Shares This As I Feel Like I'm The Only One!,
For so long I have been searching for a allergy sufferer of citrus just like myself. Find shopping for food ridiculously hard as most things contain concentrated lemon juice etc. Would just like a friend who understands how much of a pain it is!
I avoid citrus if possible, it makes me itch and causes painful stomach attacks. Lemons in desserts can be tolerable, but I need to keep away from anything very acidic, especially tomatoes .
My allergy started in 2005, after many years eating , drinking, handling citrus. I just swelled up like a blimp..... after working with lemons. It’s difficult in my line of work as I am a qualified chef... I love seafood and it tastes different when there is no lemon juice over it.... it’s difficult shopping as I have to read labels all the time.... was informed by my Dr that a food allergy could be one of the worst allergies to have and that I really have to try to stay away from it... always thought I was alone in this situation.... I did find out the hard way when I moved to the UK that dragon fruit is a citrus fruit....
Marinades are often the cause of allergies as well.
KarenSueMagley I have the same things, but citrus will cause them for me and make my lips tingle like crazy then start to feel like they are burning.
I am allergic to all citrus fruit, my troath and mouth swell up änd some times whën i drank it it causes diarea.
But most irritating I fiñd that I can't even smel it, my eyes staŕt tö water up my nose starts running. Irritatig becaus a lot of supermarkets n Holland have a fresh orangejuice machine and in a lot of restaurants they serve fresh juice.
When I eat out, I love to eat fish and I ask always verý strictĺy not to use citus (and a lot of other things).
I'm Looking For A List Of Foods That Have Citric Acid, Especially Fruit. My Chart Is 50 Years Old, Newer Fruits Are Available Now.
Why Are Almost All Of The Comments Over Two Years Old? I Think The Format Is Difficult To Navigate. Thoughts?
Allergic To Carrots, No EpiPen, And Scared.