Can Someone Please Suggest A Website To Order Medical ID To Tell People About My Allergies?
I have very bad allergies to all NUTS and when I react my reaction is so bad I loose all sense of awareness I need to order a medical band to show people I have allergies and an Epi-pen so j can get help when needed.
This is a silicone bracelet with a link to your (self provided) medical history. You update thus yoursrlf so you don't have to get a new medical id band everytime something changes. This has been an awesome change for me as I'm allergic to most metal bracelets.
There are quite a few options on I've ordered kid bracelets from there but there are adult ones as well.
We have been really happy with MedicAlert. Very good quality and the service offered is very helpful. My only tip would be to order a bit larger than they suggest. We followed their guidelines and the metal link bracelet arrived a bit tight for our daughter.
I did see a couple on line as soon as I Googled it, but the jewlry shops in the mall have them as well, according to my Mom. I need invest in one as well. My severe reactions don't look typical.
I had gotten my 13 year old daughter a necklace, that looks amazing is like dog tags. On one side is her name and blood type. On back it says severe peanut allergy
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