What Is Involved In The 300 Intolerance Test And What Is It Called? | MyFoodAllergyTeam

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What Is Involved In The 300 Intolerance Test And What Is It Called?

A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Ontario, Canada
June 28, 2018
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A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

I can’t find anything. If it’s IGg tests they are not validated by anything scientific.
My allergist says the alcat and Elisa tests are not science based and offer false hope.
The drops, patch etc are not North American standards.
What do I do when my blood test and skin prick tests show everything is negative?
This may be science based and the “gold standard” for food allergy testing but I know better from my many anaphylactic and intolerance reactions.
If I have no food allergies why do they insist that I have my epi pens with me at all times?

June 28, 2018
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

George, there is a possibility, that you might also react to foods that are related to the trees and flowers you react to - especially when they are in bloom. This would explain why sometimes you react and other times you do not. What I would do is go on an elimination diet with the help of a dietician. I would start with just eating rice for 3 days. Yes, plain, boring rice. If no reactions, then I would add in Watercress (if you can get it) if not, then Napa Cabbage. What if Rice fails? Then I would go right to your favorite protein source, just to get something in you that might work.

Why Watercress or Napa cabbage? These are the top 2 most nutritious foods in the world according to research done by the FDA (if I remember correctly). This will give you vitamins and minerals.

If all is good with you, then I'd add in your favorite protein source.

After this, I would try chickpeas for the fiber and other benefits of legumes. Beyond this, I have no other comments. You basically do not try anything new until after not having any new reactions for 3 days. It might take 6 months or longer, for your body to heal if it turns out that you were reacting to grains. If rice doesn't work for you, I would not try another grain for a while, unless you react to all other complete protein sources (beef, deer, poultry, pork, soy - tofu). Due to the shelffish allergy in the past, I wouldn't try fish until later, after you stop having reactions. I would also avoid Nori, laver, seaweed until after you stop having reactions.

Why keep the epi-pen? Test work one day and not necessarily the next. Skins tests and blood tests have never been considered 100% accurate. This is why the elimination diet is really the best. FODMAP diet could help you. You do a search a site that gives a good list of foods to eat and ones to avoid.
Best Wishes!

February 10, 2020 (edited)
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Hi Nicole. Thanks for the advice. I haven't given up, just frustrated. Doing OK but would like to be better by identifying the allergy then totally eliminate. Antihistamines, inhalers etc treat the symptoms but do not solve the problem. Different opinions require referrals and waiting times of a year per professional. The dietician seems to be on the right track and I see her regularly.

July 27, 2018
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Hey George I think you should get a second opinion there something that's making you sick don't give up hope

July 26, 2018
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Hi again george, i didnt realise you'd had this problem for 35yrs, so my earlier comment probably doesn't apply.
IGg reactions are the province of gastroenterologists, so your allergist doesn't necessarily know much about it.
I have been tested by the nhs for iGg reactions, its an immune reaction that occurs in the digestive system not the skin so its not technically called an allergy.
When you go into anaphalactic shock its an allergic reaction but i wonder if its maybe triggered/exacerbated by iGg reactions, theyre not mutually exclusive as my niece has both.
Unfortunately specific food testing for this can be extremely unreliable but if you test positive for any given food then your reacting to it, however it wont necessarily pick up everything your reacting to.
I had good results by doing an exclusion diet, literally just meat, fish, non nightshade fruit and vegetables. No eggs, dairy, grains, pulses, nuts, theres alot of information out there about it under AIP diet. Its made a massive difference to me and its not that difficult when you get used to it. I also eat alot of fermented food and drink which has made my gut alot happier.
Your symptoms are weird, im not surprised drs are scratching their heads but i hope you find your way ☺

June 30, 2018

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