Test Results Meaning? | MyFoodAllergyTeam

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Test Results Meaning?

A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Tampa, FL


I have long suspected a milk allergy as I itch all over as soon as I eat anything dairy, have heart palpitations and have long had unexplained joint pain. I just had testing done but I'm not sure what the result means? Milk, with a reference range of "Reference Range: Class 0/I kU/L" came back as "high" with 0.13. But when I try to research this online, anything below 0.35 appears to be normal?

Can someone please help me interpret this? Oddly I also got high for shrimp (2.37)with a… read more

July 10, 2018
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A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

It is very possible to have a false positive when doing either blood or skin prick allergy testing. Your body may be "sensitized" to a food, meaning that your body produces IGE antibodies to it, but once it has been broken down by your digestive system your body will not recognize it as an allergen and will not react to it. When the protein is simply placed under your skin, as it is in skin prick testing, it will react because it is the un-broken down form of the food protein, which your immune system recognizes as something it doesn't like. This could be what is going on with shrimp. But you'll want to be careful since your body is sensitized to it, you could react in the future, especially since shellfish allergies can be so dangerous. Sounds like your dairy allergy is real, though, combining both your symptoms and your allergy test results.

September 24, 2018
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

I had skin prick testing done by an allergist years ago which came back as allergic to most grasses, dust, cats even, but not allergic at all for any of the foods. He asked me why I thought I was allergic to food and I said because I get hives, headaches, joint pain and just generally feel unwell always but noticed that if I eat little to nothing for a couple of days, that all goes away. He wasn't very nice and I got the feeling that unless you went into shock from ingesting something, it wasn't worth investigating.

I then had my PCP test me for celiac which came back negative. I still was convinced it had to be gluten and cut it out completely. I started cutting out dairy too, then soy, night shades, I was basically left with nothing to eat and was still doing it all wrong because I would trust lunch meat, not thinking of cross contamination from cutting cheese too. But, it dawned on me that my worst symptoms were when I was pregnant with my son and craved this stinky cheese and ate it daily. I would itch so bad I felt like bugs were crawling on me. I would swat at bugs that weren't there. I told my obstetrician who said I had PUPPS and wanted to put me on steroids. I said no way, I'll just deal with the itching.

I knew I was allergic to something because I would feel great when I was eating my foods at home but when I went to eat with friends and didn't want to be the one ordering just a drinkbecause nothing was guaranteed free of gluten and dairy, I was itching again for a few hours. I would always have to take antihistamines for the itching but without a severe response like a tightening throat, I still was never 100% sure if it was all in my head. But if I kept eating whatever I wanted, all the symptoms were sure to return. Before long I was back to ibuprofen twice a day for headaches and joint pain and daily antihistamines and I walked like an old lady from severe joint pain.

I want to end this by knowing once and for all what to avoid. My current PCP is great and believes the results but I am puzzled by them as I never reacted to shrimp and that showed a stronger reaction than milk. All others including wheat came back as negative. Oh and it was an IGE test. Where do I go from here? I don't want to see an allergist again after that first bad experience. But if I want to do this for the rest of my life, I want to make sure I avoid the right things. I've wasted years avoiding gluten and when I should have focused on the real issue..

July 23, 2018
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

why do you think its milk? have you ruled out celiac? and the testing? are these blood tests? for ige? if for igg I would ignore as they are unreliable. ige results need an allergy doc to consider as testing alone does not give a clear picture of allergy.

July 15, 2018
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Soya milk?

July 10, 2018

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