Patch Treatment Helps 68% of Toddlers With Peanut Allergy | MyFoodAllergyTeam
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Patch Treatment Helps 68% of Toddlers With Peanut Allergy

Written by Ted Samson
Posted on February 19, 2025

A recent study found that after three years of using a skin patch treatment, 68.2 percent of toddlers with peanut allergies could eat the equivalent of 12 to 14 peanuts in a food challenge. They were able to do so without having a reaction strong enough to stop the test. The clinical trial also showed that 83.5 percent of participants could consume at least 1,000 milligrams of peanut protein (about three to four peanuts) before having significant symptoms.

The Viaskin peanut patch works by sending tiny amounts of peanut protein through the skin. This helps the immune system become more tolerant of peanut protein, which can lower the risk of severe reactions to accidental peanut exposure.

Notably, no cases of treatment-related anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) or serious side effects were reported in the third year of the clinical trial.

Potential Protection Against Peanuts

For families with children affected by peanut allergies, this skin patch treatment could be a promising option. Currently, treatments to increase peanut tolerance are limited, especially for younger children.

One approach for children ages 4 to 17, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is peanut oral immunotherapy, known as peanut allergen powder-dnfp (Palforzia). However, Viaskin works differently by delivering treatment through the skin instead of through the mouth. This may offer a safer and more convenient option, especially for younger children.

If your child’s peanut allergy is not well-controlled, speak with their pediatrician or allergist about treatment options to improve their tolerance and reduce the risk of severe reactions.

To learn more, read answers to 11 top questions about peanut allergies.

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Would you consider using a patch treatment for peanut allergy? What steps do you take to prevent accidental peanut exposure? Share your experiences in the comments, or start a discussion on your Activities page.

Ted Samson is a content innovation editor at MyHealthTeam. Learn more about him here.