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I Was Retested For Allergies The Other Day. I Had Been Told I Had Many Food Allergies 25 Yrs Ago. Now The Tests 0 Allergies Now Blood Test.

A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­

I have avoided all these foods for over 25 yrs. Now if the bloodwork comes back negative for food allergies they want me to start trying the foods . This is very disturbing
How can this happen? I am so concerned about this and if it was an error, my food world was made very small for no reason. My new dr said β€œ this is very disturbing β€œ he also said my skin could have just not been reacting during the testing which is very rare. I am very confused on how to proceed. It takes about a week to get… read more

posted July 20
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A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Hi, I had more or less a similar problem. Docter told me that it happens. But to be careful. Your body don't recognize the proteien it reacted to but the next reaction you get can still be the last one. Also that every time the reaction is more violent than the previous one. If you know the trigger. Keep avoiding it. Then your allergy should be controlled. I was allergic to almost everything under the sun about six years ago still. But it was all triggered by my thyroid medication and it became progressively worse over 30 years since 1990. Until I stopped all my medicine and put them back one at a time and eventually determined eltroxin was my devil. I now take tertroxin and my allergies are gone expect fo the inhalants like bermuda grass and dog dander. Good luck with your trigger search. It's worth it! But hard.

posted July 23
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

I had the bloodwork too, all negative. I have started one item at a time. Keeping a complete log. So far absolutely no reactions. So I am just being thorough and careful.
Thank you

posted August 7
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Follow your gut. If it were that simple we'd all be eating everything. Keep diaries, and get a 2nd opinion, however we all know immunology have quite a disconnect unless hives directly in front of them. I do all the 11 year research myself and ask questions even with my pharmacist whilst checking out at the cash register. I would NOT go back to anything that was a potential allergen. Costs are too great. Only my point of view i'm not a doctor, however I seem to never see any anyway because they've all left. Good luck! J

posted August 7
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Do a DNA test

posted August 3
A MyFoodAllergyTeam Member

Hi - I am going through the exact same thing right now! My blood test just came back and all normal. But when I eat things that were on my previous allergy list I still react with a rash and angioedema under my eyes. When he gave me the normal results I was recovering from a reaction and he looked at my face and said I think we need more testing. So now I’m waiting for more lab results. It’s so confusing. I totally get it!

posted August 2

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